See how we can get your algorithm to the finish line, or calculate an estimated ROI from implementing our solutions.
Coronary <text-span>artery calcium<text-span>
"Over 300 hospitals have implemented it, and for good reason — the up to $4 million ROI per year speaks for itself. "
<text-span>25% of patients<text-span> have indications of early cardiovascular disease without a diagnosis
Nonspecific or atypical symptoms limit doctors’ abilities to spot disease before it’s too late.
Bunkerhill detects <text-span>early signs<text-span> of cardiovascular disease...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna. analyzing routine scans already conducted in your <text-span>clinical practice<text-span>
Our suite integrates seamlessly with standard workflow, flagging patients that may be undiagnosed.
Delivering life-saving <text-span>cardiology<text-span> care to more patients
We’re serving an unmet need and ensuring that patients receive the highest-quality care
<text-span-black>25<text-span-black> average patients with a calcium score >100 that receive a scan, the cutoff at which AHA guidelines recommend initiation of statin therapy
<text-span-black>225<text-span-black> average additional patients treated per 5,000 scans
<text-span-black>$2M<text-span-black> average additional topline revenue per 5,000 scans
Our cardiology suite has transformed practice and improved the bottom line.
Seamless patient reports, incorporated into familiar workflows
Translating reports into clinical action is intuitive and easy.
one integrated solution
Each suite is composed of tested and approved algorithms, letting you reap their cumulative benefits upon implementation.